“Our greatest asset when we design is human diversity.”

— Tim Allen


Interactive Design, Industrial Design, UX/UI Design

Sep 2021- Nov 2021


This is a course-based project (ID6211-Graduate Studio One), and it is a personal project.

Although watching TV is a very common thing, most people, especially the elderly, still encounter some problems when using the remote control and interact with the system. Most of the remote controls are uniformly designed, just a superposition of functions, without considering the principles of inclusive design. Therefore, I want to redesign the interaction between user and TV to improve the user's experience of watching TV.

This design simplifies the way of operating the TV, and also integrate various haptic control. Optimizing the TV watching experience with the redesigned corresponding TV app, so that the entire interactive process will be more accessible to more people.


People usually have problems operating the remote control when watching TV, and we often hear the following conversations:

“oops! I press the wrong button”

“Ah I can‘t find the channel I watched yesterday!”

“What‘s this button for?”


User Interview

For the purpose of the inclusive design, I tried to increase the diversity of the interviewees as much as possible, with interviewees ranging in age from 22-72 years old.


Based on the user interviews, I created two personas.


Journey Map

I built the journey map based on the personas to explore the problems and opportunities.

