My Roles: UX Researcher & UX Designer

  • Conducted market research

  • Conducted semi-structured interviews

  • Analyzed data from interviews using an affinity map

  • Created personas based on research findings

  • Created journey maps for personas

  • Generated sketch concepts

  • Conducted moderated usability testing

  • Built visual design library

  • Built hi-fi prototype


Figma, Miro, Theydo, Google sheets, Microsoft Teams


Jordan Cutsuries

Junyi Zeng


March 2022- May 2022

It is our hope to build a platform that assists job seekers in managing their hundreds of applications, providing them with supportive information, and guiding them through the hard times together. 




In Studio2-Interact Product at Georgia Tech, we were required to use systematic design methods to create interactive products, and we brainstormed topics ranging from travel to scheduling to job searching. Since we were all job hunting at the time, we decided our project should focus on job application assistants.


The process of managing job applications and obtaining supportive information is difficult for people.


We believe we can investigate and propose a new experience for job seekers.

Project Plan

Literature review/ Competitive analysis
Semi-structured Interviews
Synthesizing data
Low-fi prototype
Usability testing
Final iteration

To improve applicants' job-hunting efficiency, how can we assist and support them?

To improve applicants' job-hunting efficiency, how can we assist and support them?


With our job-hunting assistant platform, users can keep track of application data and prepare for interviews with tools such as mock interviews, peer feedback, and employment forums. Reducing repetitive processes and helping applicants find jobs more efficiently.

Competitive analysis

We looked into competitors and analyzed opportunities


  • Notion, Simplify, Linkedin, Google sheets, Huntr & Untapped

Key Findings:

  • No tailored solution for application tracking and preparation

  • Manual actions required for updating information

  • Extra fee required

  • Needs more customizability

Semi-structured Interviews

We conducted interviews to gain a deep understanding of our users


  • We successfully recruited 6 participants that have previous work experience and have completed at least 2 different job hunting sessions.


  • These interviews were focused on the experiences that our participants had in their previous and current job-hunting sessions. The general focus was on their job hunting process, tools used, and their rationale for decisions made along this journey. 


  • We set out to speak with target users in remote moderated semi-structured interviews.

Affinity Mapping + Findings

We used Miro board to analyze data from interviews

Job Hunt Process

Application collateral is always changing.


β€œI use a variety of methods to prepare for interviews.”

Management tools

β€œThere is no clear "best" job hunting tool.”

Job hunting strategy

Follow-up is important during and after job hunting/interviews.

Hunting, connecting, tracking, searching, etc.

Follow up

Journey map

We created journey maps for 3 different personas


Application data tracking

It takes a lot of time tracking application date for our users

Preparing resume & portfolio

Preparing portfolio is important for UX-related positions

Actually applying for jobs

Actually applying for jobs is really time-consuming and demanding

Repeating similar interview process

Repeating job application process is annoying and time-consuming

Features used

The features we used in the low-fi prototype

Paper prototype


Low-fi prototype

Functioning prototype ready for usability testing

Remote moderated usability testing

Usability testing using the low-fi prototype

Synthesis of feedback

Feedback from the usability testing sessions

Community feature as a separate board

β€˜Community’ shouldn’t be a sub-feature of job preparation, it makes more sense to stand out in the menu list.

Simplified dashboard

The dashboard should only contain features that users check daily.

Clearer status indicator

Users want more clarified indicators in the application board to help them identify application status.

Making some features more prominent

Features such as β€˜question practice’ and β€˜auto-sync’ should stand out.

File connect to the application

Users expect that the file section could connect to their applications (e.g. recently-used resumes connected to the company they applied.)

Color coding

Color coding is crucial in management tools, because it allows users to quickly find the information they need.

Expected features of design

Modified feature sets


Name, Color, Logo, Typography


Final Prototype

Functioning hi-fi prototype




Job Preparation








Sign out

Thank you!

Thank you!

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Professor John White for his invaluable guidance, and also to my teammates, Jordan Cutsuries and Junyi Zeng, for their hard work on this project. They provided valuable insights and ideas that facilitate shaping the product. Their dedication and support have been invaluable, and I have learned a lot from them. I am grateful to have such amazing professor and teammates and look forward to continuing to work with them.

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